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Image Caption: Dementia Hub SG Dementia Friendly Kindness Seats Smrt 1

The Dementia-Friendly Kindness Seats initiative, in at least 29 SMRT train stations from North-South Line, East-West Line and Circle Line, is part of the AIC and SMRT Train collaboration for Dementia-Friendly Singapore (DFSG) initiative. It advocates for dementia-friendly commuting, enabling persons living with dementia to have pleasant rides. 

The seats located at the train platforms are wrapped in brightly-coloured decals to give a strong contrast between the seats and floor surfaces. This makes the seats more visible for seniors and persons living with dementia so as to prevent them from falling or knocking against edges, while encouraging fellow commuters to show kindness to someone in need.

The tagline on the Kindness Seats “Lend a helping hand, Be a Dementia Friend” aims to highlight simple ways in which commuters can help and be a part of building Singapore to become a caring and dementia-friendly nation. This aligns with DFSG’s objective in rallying the society to be aware and keep a look out for those who require assistance such as persons living with dementia. Participants can scan the QR code on the seat wrap to participate in the Dementia Friends quiz and redeem a mystery gift (while stocks last).

Spot them in train stations today!

Image Caption: Dementia Hub SG Dementia Friendly Kindness Seats Smrt
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