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What is Person-Centred Care?

Person-centred dementia care aims to enhance the wellbeing of persons living with dementia by meeting their psychological needs, which maintains personhood. Person-centred care (PCC) is a way of thinking about


Person-Centred Dementia Care: Applying the AGES Model For Long-Term Learning

It’s Not Rocket Science; It’s Neuroscience! From my experience facilitating the University of Bradford course


Person-Centred Care in Dementia

The term “person-centred care”, as a frequently-used term and a developing area,1 does not have a single agreed definition. When loosely defined, it has been used to refer to philosophies


Person-Centred Care Planning in Dementia

In this topic, the importance of developing a person-centred care plan for persons living with dementia is emphasised. This page also summarises some of the best practices for a person-centred


Apply CAUSEd to Understand Behaviour Changes

The CAUSEd problem-solving tool is designed to encourage caregivers and care professionals to understand the behaviours of persons living with dementia as a form of communication with their social and

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