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What Caregivers Want You to Know


Discover what caregivers want you to know about caregiving and supporting persons with dementia, as shared by Sally Ridon and Serene Toh.

Calling for the Right Support


Young-onset dementia (YOD), which is dementia that develops in persons under the age of 65, is becoming more common in Singapore.

“Forget Me Not” by Thomas Ong


“Forget me not” is a phrase steeped in meaning for Voices for Hope graduate and self-advocate Thomas Ong. A long-time avid poet and writer

My Caregiving Journey


As the primary caregiver to her husband, Rodney Paglar who is living with dementia, Jacinta’s caregiving journey has been filled with ups and downs.

Janet Koh: What Care Means To Me


Caring is to always be there for my loved one. In 2010, I resigned from my full-time job as a secretary at 54 to take care of my elderly mother

Launch of DementiaHub.SG


21 September 2021: The official launch of DementiaHub.SG was a great success with wonderful media reception. The launch

Wayfinding And Dementia


As dementia becomes more prevalent in Singapore, ADA has been steadfast in its belief, supporting those impacted by the condition.

“Dementia” by Thomas Ong


Dementia Singapore’s Voices for Hope graduate Thomas Ong shares his reflections in a poem titled “Dementia”.

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