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Caregiver Support Groups
Caregiver Support Groups (CSGs) offer a private and safe environment for caregivers to share their thoughts, challenges and learnings with one another as they go through similar experiences. Such insights allow caregivers to share their knowledge through practical caregiving and self-care tips.
CSGs also help caregivers understand that they are not alone in their caregiving journey allowing the group to emotionally support each other.
Finding A Caregiver Support Group
Caregiver Support Groups exist in hospitals, in the community, and even online. One can speak to a social worker or ask fellow caregivers to learn more about support groups for caregivers and loved ones living with dementia.
The following is a comprehensive list of support groups one can explore:
In Hospitals & Specialist Centres
Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (KTPH)
Dementia Support Group sessions at KTPH are free and open to all. The group meets on the last Saturday of odd months, from 1pm to 3pm.
Tel.: 6555 8000
Email: [email protected]
National Neuroscience Institute (NNI)
Dementia Support Group sessions at NNI are organised by CARe (Cognitive Assessment & Rehabilitation) team. It is intended for NNI patients living with young-onset or atypical dementia and their caregivers. The sessions are conducted on Wednesday mornings and Thursday afternoons.
Tel.: 9656 8078
Email: [email protected]
In The Community
Caregiver Support Groups run by DSG are available in English, Mandarin and Malay. English groups are conducted at various locations on weekdays and Saturdays, while Mandarin groups are also available on Saturdays. Support Groups are strictly for family caregivers looking after for persons living with dementia.
Tel.: 6377 0700
Email any enquiry here.
Register directly online.
Caregivers Alliance Limited (CAL)
Support Groups are available to graduates of the caregivers-to-caregivers training programme.
Tel.: 6460 4400
Caregiving Welfare Association (CWA)
Support Groups at CWA are open to all family caregivers, and are conducted two times a month, around specific themes.
Tel.: 6466 7957 / 6466 7996/ 6734 2991
Email: [email protected]
Support Groups at Club Heal are offered on the first Fridays of the month at the three Mental Wellness Centres located in different areas.
Tel.: 6899 3463
Email to register: [email protected]
View brochure here
Organises Caregivers’ Cove Conversations where caregivers come together to share and learn common dementia related concerns.
Online Support Groups
Many private community groups are active on social media sites like Facebook.
These groups can take the form of:
- Online support groups wherein caregivers interact with fellow caregivers (e.g., Dementia-Friendly Singapore Facebook, TOUCH Caregivers Support Facebook)
- Interest groups in which caregivers and the interested public join to acquire relevant information
- Community Networking Projects (e.g., Project We Forgot Community Network)
Caregiver Support Network
The Caregiver Support Network (CSN) was formed as part of efforts under the Dementia-Friendly Singapore (DFSG) initiative to support and connect with caregivers taking care of persons living with dementia, and to address mental health or physical health conditions amongst caregivers. The goal of CSN is to empower caregivers through Peer Support Network focusing on self-care, mindset change and recognition.
The table below lists the Caregiver Support Networks offered by different service providers across Singapore. To make an enquiry about a CSN in a particular region, please call them at their corresponding contact numbers included in the table. To find out more about CSNs, you may contact Agency for Integrated Care at [email protected].

Central Region
Toa Payoh East: Care Corner Senior Services Ltd (Tel.: 6258 6601)
Teck Ghee: Alkin Singapore Ltd (Tel.: 6312 8100)
Yio Chu Kang: AWWA Ltd (Tel.: 9621 7856)
East Region
Bedok: MontfortCare (Tel.: 6312 3988)
North Region
Woodlands: AWWA Ltd (Tel.: 9784 9247)
South Region
Queenstown: Fei Yue Community Services (Tel.: 6471 0012)
West Region
Hong Kah North: REACH Community Services (Tel.: 6801 0878 / 6801 0876)
Taman Jurong: NTUC Health Co-operative Services (Tel.: 8223 1135)
Caregivers Alliance Limited (Singapore) (Tel: 6460 4400)
Club HEAL (Tel: 6899 3463)
Dementia Singapore Ltd (Tel.: 6377 0700)
Learn more about Dementia Singapore’s Caregiver Support Network offering: Interest-based Activities for Caregivers.
Other Forms of Caregiver Support
Dementia Helpline
If you are caring for a loved one with dementia and require help or assistance on what is suitable for you, call the Dementia Helpline at 6377 0700 or send an online enquiry.
The Dementia Helpline is open:
Mon to Fri: 9am to 6pm
Sat: 9am to 1pm
(Closed on Sundays & public holidays)