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10 Ideas for Outdoor Monitoring


This article offers a list of outdoor monitoring solutions and alternatives that may be helpful for caregivers to explore with their loved ones.

How is Dementia Diagnosed?


How is dementia diagnosed? Learn about the variety of tests doctors use to find out whether someone has dementia.

My Loved One Refuses to Get a Diagnosis – What Can I Do?


If your loved one is displaying possible signs and symptoms of dementia, it is understandable that you would want them to get a diagnosis and seek treatment as early as possible. However, having a conversation with your loved one about the memory lapses and moments of confusion they have been experiencing may be difficult. Often, someone experiencing these symptoms may feel defensive, worried or be in denial.

Communication Approaches in Dementia Care


Reality orientation, validation and reminiscence are effective methods to facilitate communication with persons living with dementia. Find out how you can use these approaches to help people living with dementia.

Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD)


Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is an uncommon type of dementia caused by changes in the brain’s frontal lobe (behind the forehead) and temporal lobe (next to the ear).

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