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Responding to Behaviour Changes using the ABC approach

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Creating a Life Story for Persons with Dementia

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What Caregivers Want You to Know

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Supporting Caregivers Through Interactive Technology: Play2Care App

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Pilot Test for CareBuddy Mobile App
Duke-NUS and A*STAR are looking for caregivers to participate in a study testing out the user-friendliness of the CareBuddy mobile application.
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Living with Dementia - Voices of Asia
An anthology of accounts from persons living with dementia and care givers across 13 countries in Asia, this eBook provides a participatory platform for them to share their stories.
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Agency for Integrated Care & LifeSG
Answer a few simple questions and get directed to caregiver schemes and service recommendations that match your loved one’s profile.
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Video Highlight

A Dance to Remember | National Arts Council
The Arts Can Inspire Your Every Day

Be moved by Decadance Co and Dementia Singapore, who use dance and movement therapy to improve the well-being of seniors with dementia and to inspire others.

Feel safe and supported with your digital dementia care companion

Get your CARA Membership today to access an ecosystem of personalised dementia support and benefits.

Calling all youths from 15 to 35!

At Dementia Singapore, we constantly strive to improve the content we produce for our clients, caregivers, and members of the public. This year, we have come up with a survey to find out more about youths’ general awareness of dementia and your digital media usage and preferences. Your responses will support us in producing dementia-related content that will appeal to and resonate with the youths like yourselves!

We would deeply appreciate it if you could help us to fill this survey. It will only take 8 to 10 minutes to complete. Survey responses will be used for research purposes only. All responses will remain strictly confidential. 

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