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What Caregivers Want You to Know

The best way to understand the complexities surrounding dementia is to speak directly to someone who is living with it or someone caring for a person with the condition. We


Applying the K.I.N.D Gesture & C.A.R.E Approach

We may encounter persons living with dementia in different situations depending on our social or work roles. Watch this prize-winning video produced by Vinn Bay and Tee Boon Leng as


Dementia-Inclusive Design Principles

In recent years, there has been a growing pool of dementia-inclusive design guiding principles developed by subject matter experts, intended for laypersons, caregivers, and care professionals to address and enhance


What Is a Dementia-Inclusive Environment?

Why Is a Dementia-Inclusive Environment Important? While dementia already presents a set of challenges for persons living with dementia and their families, stigma and discrimination worsen the psychological, social, emotional


What is Young-Onset Dementia?

Young-onset dementia refers to any type of dementia that develops in persons below the age of 65. Symptoms of dementia may present themselves differently in a younger person, as compared

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