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The Meaning of Life: Poems by Misrudin Anwar


Misrudin Anwar (affectionately known as ‘Din’), was invited by our team at Voice of Dementia, Dementia Singapore’s newsletter, to compose three poems in Malay. Known as a ‘pantun’, the poems consist of even-numbered rhyming lines to express intricate ideas and emotions. As of 2023, Din is 75 years of age. He was diagnosed with vascular […]

Calling for the Right Support


Young-onset dementia (YOD), which is dementia that develops in persons under the age of 65, is becoming more common in Singapore.

“Forget Me Not” by Thomas Ong


“Forget me not” is a phrase steeped in meaning for Voices for Hope graduate and self-advocate Thomas Ong. A long-time avid poet and writer

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