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How is Dementia Diagnosed?

How is dementia diagnosed? Learn about the variety of tests doctors use to find out whether someone has dementia.


My Loved One Refuses to Get a Diagnosis – What Can I Do?

If your loved one is displaying possible signs and symptoms of dementia, it is understandable that you would want them to get a diagnosis and seek treatment as early as


Benefits of Getting a Dementia Diagnosis

Have you or your loved one been living with memory loss for some time? Have you been concerned about whether you or your loved one has dementia? A diagnosis may


Where to Get a Diagnosis?

Diagnosis can be conducted at several places including the hospitals listed below and certified general practitioners’ clinics. You may obtain a professional diagnosis by approaching the places below: General Practitioners


Starting a Conversation About Diagnosis

If you suspect your loved one is displaying the signs and symptoms of dementia, you should encourage him or her to get properly diagnosed and treated. However, starting a conversation


Who Can Diagnose Dementia?

Screening persons for dementia and a diagnosis of dementia are two different things. Screening for dementia with tools like the Abbreviated Mental Test (AMT) and Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE)

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